The next deadline for scholarship applications is June 30.

For application, click on the link above or complete the contact form on the home page to request a scholarship application.


Theatre of Ballet Arts, Inc. awards a limited number of scholarships to deserving ballet students based on aptitude, interest and/or financial need. Students applying for a scholarship must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered:

  • Live in Iowa, Lafayette or Grant counties in Wisconsin
  • Register in an approved ballet program at a professional academy
  • Enroll for a minimum of three hours per week of formal ballet training and miss no more than two classes per season
  • Submit three letters of recommendation
  • Submit a paragraph describing your interest and desire to train in the ballet arts. In addition, list one or two goals that you strive to attain through your training. Provide a paragraph that describes the financial need.
  • Attend an interview with the scholarship committee
  • Participate in a TOBA event, whether as a performer or assisting behind the scenes

​Students receiving scholarships to a professional academy are expected to respect its policies and be an exemplary student, attend classes regularly, follow the dress code, and participate in fundraisers and performances.

​Financial aid awards vary depending on available funds, and the amount of individual awards may vary from year to year.